Boot Dryers are for kids who play in the snow, jump in puddles, etc. Wet boots get cold and damp from moisture buildup. By using a boot dryer and removing the moisture, your feet will feel warm and dry. |
Peet boot dryers are the choice of so many people like coaches, athletes, skaters, workers, skiers, etc. Simply put, dry feet and hands = warm feet and hands. |
To reduce the amount of sweat that collects in your shoes, you should change your socks a few times a day. |
To eliminate foot odor, practice good foot hygiene to keep bacteria levels at a minimum. Always wear socks with closed shoes. |
To prevent your shoes from smelling you can use a boot dryer daily or weekly which will remove the moisture, starving the fungus and eliminating the smell |
In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat! |
Boot Dryers are for all skaters, ice hockey skaters, figure skaters, speed skaters, roller blade skaters, etc. Wet boots get cold and damp from moisture buildup. By using a boot dryer and removing the moisture, your feet will feel warm and dry. |
Dry Guy boot dryers are for skaters, ice hockey skaters, figure skaters, speed skaters, roller blade skaters, etc. Wet boots get cold and damp from moisture buildup. By using a boot dryer and removing the moisture, your feet will feel warm and dry. |
Peet boot dryers are for watermen like boaters, fishermen, captains, divers, ferry workers, etc. Wet boots get cold and damp from moisture buildup. By using a boot dryer and removing the moisture, your feet will feel warm and dry. |
Dry Guy boot dryers keep your footwear dry. Dry footwear prevents fungus that causes shoes and boots to smell. Also, dry footwear will keep your feet warm and healthier. |