To eliminate foot odor, practice good foot hygiene to keep bacteria levels at a minimum. Check for fungal infections between your toes and on the bottoms of your feet. If you spot redness or dry, patchy skin on your feet, get treatment right away. |
To eliminate foot odor we must eliminate the sweat that gets trapped in our socks and shoes. Try wearing sandals, changing your socks often, switching shoes to avoid wearing the same pair two days in a row.To eliminate foot odor, don't wear you shoes two days in a row. Give them time to air out, put them in front of an air vent. |
Why do feet smell? Because our feet produce sweat that gets trapped in our shoes. As the moisture grows, bacteria on our skin begins to eat the sweat. The bacteria then excrete waste that contains the odor that we smell. The solution in removing the smell is to get your shoes or boots dry. |
To prevent your shoes from smelling, you could wear footwear that can circulate air like (sandals or open toe shoes). |
The main reason some people have smellier feet than others is that some people sweat more than others. This is just one of the many variable physiological qualities of human beings. |
Williams boot dryers can help people of all ages. Some people are very active and perspire easily; some kids wear the same sneakers every day for months at a time. Athletes sweat and leave moisture in their shoes. Boot dryers simple remove the moisture, which removes the fungus that causes your shoes to smell. You're left with dry, warm, clean-smelling shoes and boots. |
To reduce the amount of sweat that collects in your shoes, you should change your socks a few times a day. |
Skate and glove ski boot dryers are perfect for ice hockey players and figure skaters. Skate and glove dryers eliminate the moisture buildup that means that your skates and gloves will be warmer, last longer and will not smell as bad. |
Dry Guy boot dryers keep your footwear dry. Dry footwear prevents fungus that causes shoes and boots to smell. Also, dry footwear will keep your feet warm and healthier. |
Feet smell because there is too much moisture built up in our shoes, boots or sneakers. Since there is no way for moisture to be ventilated form our boots and shoes, excess moisture continues to grow giving fungus food to eat and causing that stinky smell. |